Clay Soldiers Mod

Clay Soldiers Mod


When is the next update coming and will there be a bug fix for the clay soldiers not building houses in it.

theminecraften66 opened this issue · 7 comments


Hi SanAndreasP i was wondering when the next update is coming out for 1.7.10 or if it will be for 1.8 also if u will fix the problem with the clay soldiers not building houses. also if u are going to add new houses for them to build. like castles and stuff. not trying to be pushe. just asking. =)


When it's done.™
Next update will be for 1.7.10, I dunno when I'll start working on a 1.8 version, probably not soon, though.

Also see #17 for the buildings. They are low prioroty.


y are they low prioroty. not to be pushey but they where my faverate part of the mod also how many people are working on the mod. just wondering.
thanks though for repling anyway. best of luck on the update and such. =)


Because building stuff is not really their main goal. They're fighters.


ok. thanks for the answer. it helps explain alot.


Wow I think building should be a priority because without it the mod gets boring, you give them upgrades and watch them fight for about 2 hours and then your done, giving them wood and watching them build up a village to defend and fight in is fun because you can set up raids and stuff. Upgrades get boring, building a village with a huge army to defend it is fun. It is MineCraft after all, ment for building not watching fights.


this is seems like something to be discussed on the MC Forum Thread.


Even if building is exciting and all, these are supposed to be little toy soldiers. SOLDIERS. Soldiers are supposed to fight, maybe building on occasion to defend themselves, not building villages to start fights over. Bugfixes and the missing upgrades take somewhat higher priority over building.

Take further discussion to the Minecraft Forums thread