Cloth Config API (UNUSED)

Cloth Config API (UNUSED)


Cloth Config API 7.0.72 seen as 7.0.65

Harras420 opened this issue · 2 comments


When I try to use the Cloth Config API 7.0.72 for the DragonLoot mod, it crashes the game on start up and says:

Incompatible mod set!
net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FormattedException: Mod resolution encountered an incompatible mod set!

A potential solution has been determined:
- Replace mod 'Cloth Config v6' (cloth-config) 7.0.65 with mod 'Cloth Config v6' (cloth-config), version 7.0.69 or later.

Unmet dependency listing:
- Mod 'DragonLoot' (dragonloot) 1.1.1 requires version 7.0.69 or later of mod 'Cloth Config v6' (cloth-config), but only the wrong version is present: 7.0.65!


It is likely that you have downloaded the forge version instead
