Cloth Config API (UNUSED)

Cloth Config API (UNUSED)


Trying to navigate using TAB key in config menu crashes the game

KabanFriends opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Cloth Config API version: 8.2.88
Minecraft version: 1.19.2
Mod Loader: Happens on both Forge & Fabric

When you try to navigate through the config GUI using TAB key, the game crashes. Strangely, this crash only happens on config menus created manually using cloth config, not the ones created with auto config.

This bug can easily be reproduced by pressing TAB key a few tiems in the Cloth Config API's example config menu.


Crash Logs?


This issue is still present on Minecraft 1.19.3.


This is caused by an implementation detail of the search box widget. Changing focus using <TAB> might still work if something is already focused. I'll put together a PR with a fix shortly.