Cobblestone Semantics

Cobblestone Semantics


How to get RF out of All in one Generator?

drugga opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi, I have a All in one Generator running that produces ALOT of RF/FE buuut I have no idea how to use it. No matter what extraction block/cable/conduit I use from other mods, I am not able to use the generated RF anywhere. It is just stored inside the generator with no use for it? How can I use the energy created? Because right now it only functions as an expensive decorative block.


Minecraft 1.12.2 and the mod is 1.12.2 too.
I found the mod on the curseforge launcher while adding some mods to my MCEternal Lite modpack. If the mod is not supposed to be on that version then I am sorry for bothering but after googling the mod it took me here.


What version of minecraft and the mod is this?


I'm able to get power out of it using cyclic energy cables, what energy cables are you using?


I basically used it with everything.
Ender IO, IC2, Buildcraft and other mods.
but I will test the cyclic cables.

I actually already tried the energy cables from cyclic before but
I had to use the Bundeled cables to get the power to transfer.
Thanks for the help.
Kinda feel like a fool for finding out that the solution is quite simple.
Sorry for the inconvinience.