CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+

CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+


Crash when clicking on rftools shape card which has been used before in CCL

digi-tal-it opened this issue ยท 1 comments


MC 1.12.1 server and client
Forge on client and server
rftools 1.12-6.13

Here is what I did:

Placed the builder, used a void shape card and set the desired dimensions. Inserted the shape card and hit the preview button. I saw, that the dimensions are not correct, so i take out the shape card to correct the dimensions. On right clicking the shape card, my client crashes.
I can log onto my server again after restarting the client but the problem persists. I right click the shape card and it crashes again.

I reported it to McJty who kindly looked into the chrashlog. He said, the crash occured in CodeChickenLib, so I am reporting it here.


Here ist the crashlog :

    at net.minecraftforge.client.model.obj.OBJModel$OBJBakedModel.buildQuads(
    at net.minecraftforge.client.model.obj.OBJModel$OBJBakedModel.func_188616_a(
    at jds.bibliocraft.models.ModelClipboard.func_188616_a(

Bibilio craft not me.