CCModelBakery needs way to set sprite per quad
MrTJP opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Currently, an entire model can only be baked with a single sprite. This is a problem for models that use multiple TextureAtlasSprites for each of their quads.
There is, setSprite, as long as the quad has finished baking the sprite can be set.
Easiest way i see is baking each individual part of the model in CCQuadBakery using the start and end vars and just combining the list afterwards.
Hmm. Since each UV has a Tex index, we could provide a multi-icon transformation and grab icons from that as the model bakes
Also, it looks like it it is used for(in vanilla at least) re-texturing baked quads in BakedQuadRetextured
We would need a custom UV Transform to obey the current vertex index and change the UV transform based on that, thoughts?
I was thinking a separate UVTransform like BakingIconUVTransform and a Builder for the transform, that essentially builds a start > end vertex range = UVTransform.