


(forge 1.12.2) CodeChickenLib crashes at end of mod loading sequence

redshadow3 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


when i have codechickenlib in my mods file the game will crash at the end of the mod loading stage that forge goes through, but instead of the launcher opening automatically and showing a crash report, the launcher has to be opened again and then act's like nothing happened by showing a crash report like usual, when i removed codechickenlib the issue disappeared, this only happened when i use codechickenlib 3.2.3 and using 3.2.2 fixes this issue but i cannot use 3.2.2 as the mod's i'm using are made for 3.2.3+

ive seen people say that this can be fixed by deleting the config in codechickenlib but none said how to do that, if you can then please comment but do not close the issue after doing that as i saw another person (with the same reason for a crash) not being able to fix the issue by deleting config.


i found how to fix, the config has 2 thing's i needed to remove and i had to also change for the older 3.2.3 version of codechickenlib i needed to allocate more RAM as i had spike-like lagging but that was due to low RAM caused by other thing's