Coins JE

Coins JE


[Request] Placeable Coins

PanoptesDreams opened this issue · 3 comments


Would you consider having coins place-able?

I thought a 'pickle like' implementation would be the cleanest.
Starting with 1 coin placed, r-clicking to add 1 additional coin to the pile up to 9.
L-clicking the pile between 1-8 coins would drop loose coin, whereas l-clicking a full pile of 9 would drop the 'Pile of coins'

Would you also consider a coin block? A 3x3 of piles.
It may seem redundant next to actual material blocks but this could act as another decorative block and physical storage/flexing of riches


This is definitely something I would be interested in adding. The main challenge is coming up with models and textures for these blocks. I had the coin textures done professionally because I am not that good at it.


Perhaps, instead of a full block, something like a coin jar? or something the same/similar size as a candle?


I want placable coin and coin jar too, I mess around with blockbench for fun rn maybe I can try make you coin pile/jar block

Edit : my friend want to try make game sprite too