Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat


Serene Seasons causing issues with Cold Sweat (1.19.2/ ColdSweat-2.2-b04h.jar)

SHXRKIEgg opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Brief Summary of the Issue
So I am trying to use Cold Sweat in my Modpack to add it to the next update and it seems to have this issue with serene seasons.
TempModifier "sereneseasons:season" does not have a default constructor or is not registered!

Crash Report Link
Here is the latest.log due to it just freezing creating a world and is stuck at %45 and doesn't crash


Does doesnt occur all the time but it does once in a while


I've now reworked how this system works to avoid this happening in the future. Thank you for the report.