Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat


[1.19.2 2.2-b04j] Fail to load world with Serene Seasons

BookerCatch opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Brief Summary of the Issue

World occasionally fails to load with Serene Seasons installed. Must close client.

Mods of significant relevancy:

Forge 43.2.21
Cold Sweat 2.2-b04j
Serene Seasons 1.19.2-
Serene Seasons Fix 1.19.2-1.0.8

The log file attached below provides some insight on when the issue occurs at line 1093. I'm using Serene Seasons Fix alongside Hourglass. The former's curseforge page explains some of the tick and time-related fixes it applies. I've only ever received this issue when Cold Sweat is loaded with Serene Seasons, so I'm not sure the Fix mod is responsible, but I thought it'd worth mentioning.

Crash Report Link


I disabled Serene Seasons Fix and the issue persists.


This is indeed an issue with the base Serene Seasons mod. I've already found a fix for this issue, and it will be posted soon.
Duplicate of #142