Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat


[1.16.5] Llamas don't seem to be regrowing their fur

Mic1e opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft - 1.16.5
Forge - 36.2.39
Cold Sweat - 2.2.2


I have been playing on a server for a couple of weeks now and none of my llamas seem to be regrowing their fur after I shear them. I've also tested this on a single player world with just cold sweat for about 15 minutes and seeing as it should be 20% chance every minute according to the config for them to grow their fur back I feel like something is not working.


I have also tested setting the config to [300, 0, 1.0], which from my understanding would mean the fur grows back after 15 seconds of shearing a llama but this also didn't seem to work.


This will be fixed in 2.2.3. Thanks for reporting