Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat


suggestion: add a config option to diable and enable heat and cold

Thunderrock424242 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


so if you wanted only cold biomes to be cold and not have heat at all there would be a config for that.


/attribute <player> cold_sweat:heat_dampening base set 1 should do the trick. It will block all heat from affecting the player.


/attribute <player> cold_sweat:heat_dampening base set 1 should do the trick. It will block all heat from affecting the player.

I am making a modpack that's why I made the suggestion


Or is that possible to do in the configs?


You could also set the maximum habitable temperature to some extremely high number. This would make it so that hot biomes appear temperate, and cold biomes would still be cold.


This should be doable in a modpack with the methods I provided above. I will reopen this issue if it really isn't possible to do this already.