Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat


[1.20.1] Hearth "Show Air Particles" Option Defaults ON

AetheriMC opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Minecraft v1.20.1
Forge v47.2.4
Cold-Sweat v2.2.5.1


The "Show Air Particles" option for the hearth seems to revert to an "ON" state any time the game is reloaded. This creates a need to manually turn off the hearth's particles upon every reload.

While the toggle option is fantastic, it would be preferable if the option had a default state of "OFF" instead, otherwise the smog in my village gets way out of hand.



I can confirm this issue is present in 1.20. I've found a fix that works on servers and in singleplayer. It'll be a part of the next update.

As for making "off" the default option, I don't think I'll do that because the particles are nice and many people seem to enjoy the ambience. I hope it will be less frustrating when the bug is fixed and you can just set-and-forget it.