Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat


Beacon mod Incompatability

Exell42 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Using this mod along side CERBON's Better Beacons interferes with the beacon's UI

what it should look like
what it looks like with both mods
Minecraft_ 1 19 2 3_12_2024 9_04_32 PM

Ideally I would hope for you guys to just add a config option to disable the beacon UI changes since the aforementioned mod allows adding other beacon effects like insulation or grace thanks to its customizability.


im using both (1.19.2) and it seems fine?



Your right, I don't really know what's going on with my game at this point
I just found that using these mods in tandem all together for some reason makes this happen, I guess I'm just cursed lol.
It's not even consistent either, when I remove a mod from that list the UI goes back to normal but when I get some other mods it just curses me with that screwed up UI. I honestly don't expect for anything at this rate, I just find it funny at this point, and yes I'm coping.


Sounds like something to do with mod load order. Some different setups can produce different results if mods clash like this. I thought I made sure this wouldn't happen, but I guess I have some more work to do


Just want to come back to say thank you!