Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat


I can t put insolation on items ( fur )

CristianPetre12 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Hi! I can t use fur on items.


Doesn t allows me to put fur in that slot


Your insulation items are likely not configured correctly. You can try resetting your config settings by deleting the cold-sweat folder in your configs and defaultconfigs (if it's present)


Hi! I deleted what you told me, but it still doesn't work.


Maybe it's the modpack's fault? I'm playing on the Steampunk modpack.


I'm also having the same issue with the Steampunk modpack.


I would post an issue on their issue tracker. This isn't the first time this has happened.


Here is the default config file for item-settings.toml. If this is an ongoing issue, I suggest reaching out to the devs through their issue tracker on GitHub. I'll be closing this issue.

["Fuel Items"]
	#Defines items that can be used as fuel
	#Format: [["item-id-1", amount-1], ["item-id-2", amount-2], ...etc]
	Boiler = [["#minecraft:planks", 10], ["minecraft:coal", 37], ["minecraft:charcoal", 37], ["#minecraft:logs_that_burn", 37], ["minecraft:coal_block", 333], ["minecraft:magma_block", 333], ["minecraft:lava_bucket", 1000]]
	Icebox = [["minecraft:snowball", 37], ["minecraft:clay_ball", 37], ["minecraft:snow_block", 333], ["minecraft:ice", 333], ["minecraft:clay", 333], ["minecraft:powder_snow_bucket", 333], ["minecraft:water_bucket", 1000], ["minecraft:packed_ice", 1000]]
	#Negative values indicate cold fuel
	Hearth = [["#minecraft:planks", 10], ["minecraft:coal", 37], ["minecraft:charcoal", 37], ["#minecraft:logs_that_burn", 37], ["minecraft:coal_block", 333], ["minecraft:magma_block", 333], ["minecraft:lava_bucket", 1000], ["minecraft:snowball", -37], ["minecraft:clay_ball", -37], ["minecraft:snow_block", -333], ["minecraft:ice", -333], ["minecraft:clay", -333], ["minecraft:powder_snow_bucket", -333], ["minecraft:water_bucket", -1000], ["minecraft:packed_ice", -1000]]
	#Potions containing any of these effects will not be allowed in the hearth
	#Format: ["effect_id", "effect_id", ...etc]
	"Blacklisted Hearth Potions" = ["minecraft:instant_damage", "minecraft:poison", "minecraft:wither", "minecraft:weakness", "minecraft:mining_fatigue", "minecraft:slowness"]
	#If true, potions can be used as fuel in the hearth
	#This gives all players in range the potion effect
	"Allow Potions in Hearth" = true

["Soulspring Lamp"]
	#Defines items that the Soulspring Lamp can use as fuel
	#Format: [["item-id-1", amount-1], ["item-id-2", amount-2], ...etc]
	"Fuel Items" = [["cold_sweat:soul_sprout", 4]]
	#Defines the dimensions that the Soulspring Lamp can be used in
	#Format: ["dimension-id-1", "dimension-id-2", ...etc]
	"Valid Dimensions" = ["minecraft:the_nether"]

	#Defines the items that can be used for insulating armor in the Sewing Table
	#Format: [["item_id", cold, hot, "static", *nbt], ["item_id", amount, adapt-speed, "adaptive", *nbt], ...etc]
	#"item_id": The item's ID (i.e. "minecraft:iron_ingot"). Accepts tags with "#" (i.e. "#minecraft:wool").
	#Adaptive Insulation: 
	#"amount": The amount of insulation the item provides.
	#"adapt-speed": The speed at which the insulation adapts to the environment.
	#*"type": Optional. Either "static" or "adaptive". Defines the insulation type. Defaults to static.
	#*"nbt": Optional. If set, the item will only provide insulation if it has the specified NBT tag.
	#Static Insulation: 
	#"cold": The amount of cold insulation the item provides.
	#"hot": The amount of heat insulation the item provides.
	#*"type": Optional. Either "static" or "adaptive". Defines the insulation type. Defaults to static.
	#*"nbt": Optional. If set, the item will only provide insulation if it has the specified NBT tag.
	"Insulation Ingredients" = [["minecraft:leather_helmet", 4, 4], ["minecraft:leather_chestplate", 6, 6], ["minecraft:leather_leggings", 5, 5], ["minecraft:leather_boots", 4, 4], ["minecraft:leather", 1, 1], ["cold_sweat:chameleon_molt", 2, 0.0085, "adaptive"], ["cold_sweat:hoglin_hide", 0, 2], ["cold_sweat:fur", 2, 0], ["#minecraft:wool", 1.5, 0], ["minecraft:rabbit_hide", 0, 1.5], ["cold_sweat:hoglin_headpiece", 0, 8], ["cold_sweat:hoglin_tunic", 0, 12], ["cold_sweat:hoglin_trousers", 0, 10], ["cold_sweat:hoglin_hooves", 0, 8], ["cold_sweat:fur_cap", 8, 0], ["cold_sweat:fur_parka", 12, 0], ["cold_sweat:fur_pants", 10, 0], ["cold_sweat:fur_boots", 8, 0]]
	#Defines the items that provide insulation when worn
	#See Insulation Ingredients for formatting
	"Insulating Armor" = [["create:netherite_diving_helmet", 0.0, 1998.0, "static", "{}"], ["create:netherite_backtank", 0.0, 1998.0, "static", "{}"], ["minecraft:netherite_leggings", 0.0, 1998.0, "static", "{}"], ["create:netherite_diving_boots", 0.0, 1998.0, "static", "{}"]]
	#Defines the items that provide insulation when worn in a curio slot
	#See Insulation Ingredients for formatting
	"Insulating Curios" = []
	#Defines how many insulation slots armor pieces have
	#Format: [head, chest, legs, feet]
	"Insulation Slots" = [4, 6, 5, 4]
	#Defines wearable items that cannot be insulated
	#Format: ["item_id", "item_id", ...etc]
	"Insulation Blacklist" = []

	#Defines items that affect the player's temperature when consumed
	#Format: [["item_id", amount], ["item_id", amount], ...etc]
	#Negative values are cold foods, positive values are hot foods
	"Temperature-Affecting Foods" = []
	#Defines how much a waterskin will change the player's body temperature by when used
	#Range: > 0
	"Waterskin Strength" = 50