Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat


Issue with Create mod attributes filter UI opening and closing instantly.

lolachilada opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I've recently added Cold Sweat mod and I've also noticed that the Attribute filter UI from the Create mod has stopped working (the regular filter UI still works fine). Some people been having the same problem with Creates' Attribute filter, however searching for what is causing the conflict has been inconclusive. The only reason I'm inquiring with you about it is because the coincidence of adding Cold Sweat to our server and the following link to the issue describing it.


Thanks for looking into it.


Not a dev, but this was fixed in ColdSweat-2.3-b03b. What version are you on?


I just updated from 2.3-b03a and noticed it works fine now. Thanks for quick reply.

(it is always a pain when you are trying to keep convincing ppl on private server to update some mods, but it is crucial in most cases)


Nice, you can probably just close this issue page since it's no longer a problem. (Again, not a dev so I can't)