Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat


World Temperature UI Gauge is missing

TheSuperCheese opened this issue ยท 2 comments


In the newest version of the mod ColdSweat-2.3-b03.c for 1.19.2. The world temperature UI gauge is missing, even though it's set to true in the config file


Change either the difficulty to 'easy' or set the 'Require Thermometer' to false to see the temperature. I just updated my Steampunk modpack, which updated the Cold Sweat to v4.0.1 and I couldn't see the temperature (unless I created a thermometer and equipped it in a charm slot)


Are you sure it's not just because of the new layout? Keep in mind that the diamond-shaped thing by your hotbar has been replaced by a new graphic that surrounds the body temperature icon in the center.