Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat


[bug] temp value incorrect

AlienXtream opened this issue · 8 comments


applies to F and C temps. 400+ mods so compatibility is a possible issue though it appears to be only affecting the number itself, not the value.



on an unrelated note. can confirm that #4 is resolved :)


I have never seen something like this reported before. What are your config options? A list of mods would be helpful as well, just in case. (If it's too much effort, I can try to look at the problem on my end but I do suspect a misconfigured config or mod incompatibility)


i know its a lot to go through and i dont actually expect you to. i just have had to do a LOT of binary searches lately and really cant be arsed doing another right now. i will take a look and see on my end what mods may be conflicting when i get the chance. in the mean time if you notice anything that may cause issues in what i provided. again, i do not expect you to. its a lot and is very tedious. you did however request a mods list and configs and thats the best i can provide other than a mod pack. if you would like me to export the pack for your testing let me know and i can have a go at getting it to behave



with 400+ mods i am not listing them all myself :P
that crash report however should contain all mods (other that CS). on an trivia note, that crash is from an entity dying from player AND (custom) thorns damage in the same tick. really a pain and corrupted the save. just in case you were wondering :P


#Notation: [["dimension1", "temperature1"], ["dimension2", "temperature2"]... etc]
#Common dimension IDs: minecraft:overworld, minecraft:the_nether, minecraft:the_end
#Note: all temperatures are in Minecraft units

	"Dimension Temperature Offsets" = []

	#Override their respective offset values
	#Also override ALL biome temperatures
	"Dimension Temperatures" = [["minecraft:the_nether", "2.0"], ["minecraft:the_end", "0.4"]]

#Notation: [["biome1", "temperature1"], ["biome2", "temperature2"]... etc]
#Note: all temperatures are in Minecraft units

	"Biome Temperature Offsets" = []

	#Temperatures for individual biomes
	"Biome Temperatures" = []


#Overrides all other config options for easy difficulty management
#Range: 1 ~ 5
Difficulty = 3

["Temperature display preferences"]
#Sets all temperatures to be displayed in Celsius
Celsius = false
#(Visually) offsets the temperature for personalization (default: 0, so a Plains biome is 75 °F or 21 °C)
#Range: > 0
"Temperature Offset" = 0

["Item settings"]
#Fire Resistance blocks all hot temperatures
"Fire Resistance Immunity" = true
#Ice Resistance blocks all cold temperatures
"Ice Resistance Immunity" = true
#Thermometer item is required to see ambient temperature
"Require Thermometer" = false

["Position of the 'Steve Head' temperature gauge above the hotbar"]
#The x position of the gauge relative to its normal position
#Range: > -2147483648
"Steve Head X Offset" = 0
#The y position of the gauge relative to its normal position
#Range: > -2147483648
"Steve Head Y Offset" = 0

["Position of the actual number temperature gauge above the hotbar"]
#The x position of the temperature gauge relative to default
#Range: > -2147483648
"Temp Gauge X Offset" = 0
#The y position of the temperature gauge relative to default
#Range: > -2147483648
"Temp Gauge Y Offset" = 0

["UI Options"]
"Custom hotbar layout" = true
#Controls whether the temperature icon shakes when in critical condition
"Icon Bobbing" = true

["Misc things that are affected by temperature"]
#Sets whether damage scales with difficulty
"Damage Scaling" = true

["Details about how the player is affected by temperature"]
#Minimum habitable temperature (default: 0.25, on a scale of 0 - 2)
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity
"Minimum Habitable Temperature" = 0.21428571428571427
#Maximum habitable temperature (default: 1.75, on a scale of 0 - 2)
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity
"Maximum Habitable Temperature" = 57141.92857142857
#Rate at which the player's body temperature changes (default: 1.0 (100%))
#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity
"Rate Multiplier" = 1.0


#Defines the items that the Boiler can use as fuel and their values
#Format: [[item-id-1, fuel-amount-1], [item-id-2, fuel-amount-2], ...etc]
Boiler = [["minecraft:coal", "37"], ["minecraft:charcoal", "37"], ["minecraft:coal_block", "333"], ["minecraft:magma_block", "333"], ["minecraft:lava_bucket", "1000"]]

#Defines the items that the Ice Box can use as fuel and their values
#Format: [[item-id-1, fuel-amount-1], [item-id-2, fuel-amount-2], ...etc]
Icebox = [["minecraft:snowball", "37"], ["minecraft:clay", "37"], ["minecraft:snow_block", "333"], ["minecraft:water_bucket", "333"], ["minecraft:ice", "333"], ["minecraft:packed_ice", "1000"]]

#Defines the items that the Hearth can use as fuel and their values
#Format: [[item-id-1, fuel-amount-1], [item-id-2, fuel-amount-2], ...etc]
#(cold items are a negative number)
Hearth = [["minecraft:coal", "37"], ["minecraft:charcoal", "37"], ["minecraft:coal_block", "333"], ["minecraft:magma_block", "333"], ["minecraft:lava_bucket", "1000"], ["minecraft:snowball", "-37"], ["minecraft:clay", "-37"], ["minecraft:snow_block", "-333"], ["minecraft:water_bucket", "-333"], ["minecraft:ice", "-333"], ["minecraft:packed_ice", "-1000"]]

#Defines the items that can be used for insulating armor in the Sewing Table
#Format: [[item-id-1], [item-id-2], ...etc]
"Sewing Table" = ["minecraft:leather_helmet", "minecraft:leather_chestplate", "minecraft:leather_leggings", "minecraft:leather_boots"]


I can't find anything that would be causing your issue. RandomPatches has been reported as conflicting with Cold Sweat in the past, but that's about it.
The confliction should be fixed next update, so my only suggestion is to just wait until next update and see if the issue persists, sorry.


yes. i know. i was the one that reported that issue :P
dont apologies. there are thousands of mods on CF. as you are surely aware, being a programmer, that means easily quintillions of configurations. there are bound to be millions of conflicts. you cant be expected to consider all of them. all one can expect is to tackle the major ones as they pop up :)


ok. update seems to have resolved it. i have another issue now though. will make a report on that one