Cold Sweat

Cold Sweat


Using TNT to blast the minecart will crash the game

Accidey opened this issue · 2 comments


Minecraft 1.16.5 Forge 36.2.39 ColdSweat-
Here is the crash log,I spent a night looking for the cause of the crash and finally found this problem. In addition to the TNT minecart will cause the game to crash, chest_minecart will also cause the game to crash during world generation, which are all problems that occur when only the Cold Sweat mod is installed.
ColdSweat-2.1.10-b05c does not crash the game.


Let me correct the problem. When you use TNT to ignite with chest_ minecarts next to it, the game will crash directly, and chest_ minecarts will also crash the game directly when the block is loaded.


This issue has already been solved (#83). It will be fixed in the next release soon.