Collector's Album [Fabric | Forge]

Collector's Album [Fabric | Forge]


Some localizations not working on dedicated server (1.3.0 for 1.18.2 forge)

katubug opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi! I love this mod, but I'm having an issue with the localization in the hover-over tooltip, as you can see here:

2022-10-26_10 50 03

I am using:
Minecraft: 1.18.2
Forge: 40.1.84
Collector's Album: 1.3.0

This only happens on my server, not in singleplayer! So bizarre, I can't figure it out. Any ideas?


Hi, that is kinda interesting issue. I'll take a look at it


I have fixed the issue. It will be available in next release which should be ready within a week