Colossal Chests

Colossal Chests


Breaking Interface Bug

thelapisfox opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue type: Bug

Short description:

Breaking an interface drops all items and deletes some. Mod Pack: Modern Skyblock 3: Departed

Expected behaviour:

Chest should remain as is, with inventory still stored within the Core. Items should not spill out nor be deleted.

Actual behaviour:

Upon breaking an interface in order to resize the chest, all items spill out. Upon restoring the chest and replacing everything back into the chest, 50% of items are found to be missing. Was trying to upgrade from a 3x3 to a 4x4 as it was full. Half of items gone. Lucky to have 30 minute increment back-ups or would have lost days of work.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Build a 3x3 chest with an interface on chest (mine was bottom middle on side, not sure if that will make a difference).
  2. Fill chest.
  3. Break said interface.


Exact versions of the following mods, not just latest.

  • This mod: 1.6.10
  • CyclopsCore: 0.11.5
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:

Must be a recent regression, as this was definitely not the case in the past. Thanks for reporting.