Compact Crafting

Compact Crafting


Recipes with mixed layers don't work with empty spots

MuteTiefling opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Version: compactcrafting-1.0.0-beta.2
Forge: 36.1.2

We've got some recipes specified similar to the old default Compact Machine recipes: A cube of walls with some block in the very center.

I'm finding these recipes don't want to craft for some reason.

Below is a copy of our scripts. The Tiny machine crafts fine as it is using only 'filled' and 'hollow' sections.

Anything else, however, simply never detects as a valid recipe. Dropping the catalyst does nothing.

As a test, I decided to fill in the 'mixed' recipe so it was walls all around and the desired block in all of the middle areas and this worked. For example, I was able to craft the Small machine by placing a 3x3 layer of Redstone Blocks on the middle layer.
