Compact Crafting

Compact Crafting


[Request] Clarification on recipes

aaronhowser1 opened this issue ยท 3 comments

  "type": "compactcrafting:miniaturization",
  [["recipeSize": 0,]]
  "layers": [ ],
  "catalyst": { },
  "components": { },
  "outputs": [ ]

Is recipeSize supposed to be in two layers of brackets? Doesn't that make it an invalid json?

Can you put a completed recipe json somewhere? Here's what I have so far, and it isn't working:

        "type": "compactcrafting:miniaturization",
        "recipeSize": 1,
        "layers": [
                "component": "R"
                "component": "I"
        "catalyst": {
        "components": {
            "R": {
            "I": {
        "outputs": {

I thought it could be because redstone_wire is the block id, but this doesn't work either:

        "type": "compactcrafting:miniaturization",
        "recipeSize": 3,
        "layers": [
                "component": "W"
                "pattern": [
                "component": "W"
        "catalyst": {
        "components": {
            "W": {
            "P": {
        "outputs": {

You can find complete recipe examples in this repo. Also, later versions of Compact Crafting will have a command to generate recipe JSONs for you. However, this is only available in dev builds at the moment which you can find in the Discord.


The [[ and ]] bracket is meant to signify it is optional, although I agree it is confusing.


I would remove the double brackets, personally. It says it's optional in the paragraphs below.

Also, I figured out my issue! I didn't have the outputs as an array.