Make windows with background color 0 transparent
SoniEx2 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
It'd be much easier to make my thing work if color 0 didn't bother with background color... Alternatively add a way to disable background color?
Issues and bug reports are different things. Issues (github issues at least) aren't limited to bugs.
Can I sell them with my program, if I ever decide to sell my program?
I doubt anyone would ever pay for it
I can't find the source but Dan has given permission to redistribute the rom
Edit: Found it
06:51:46 <+Oddstr13> dan200: i'm attempting to make a cc emulator based on the python module lupa, and pygtk; may i include the cc lua files in the hg repo, with credits ofcourse?
06:52:23 @dan200 Oddstr13: yeah, sure. i dont mind what people do with CC's lua files
06:52:31 <+Oddstr13> thanks
You are allowed to distribute modified versions of CC's built-in lua files, as long as they are only for use with ComputerCraft. No, you may not sell them.