


Sources for older ComputerCraft versions

Opened this issue · 5 comments


Is getting the source code to older versions of ComputerCraft feasible? I am specifically interested in 1.75.


Im only seeing two files that reference computercraftedu in 1.75 (recently had to decompile everything to fix the redstone crasher bug), @dan200 I wouldn't mind doing this for you, i understand that its against the point of the release, but the current last build of 1.7.10 has some pretty nasty bugs in it.


The Lua part is available here;

As for the Java part;
@dan200 have you applied the current license to all past releases, or would you consider doing this?
Thus, people could decompile, fix and recompile old versions if they so wish.


I second this. I'd really love to be able to tinker around with the source code for 1.75 since it runs on Minecraft 1.7.10. Most of the mods I and a few of my friends play with are still on 1.7.10 and I'd like to be able to tinker with this mod for that version of the game.


It is not feasible for me to release older CC source code because of ComputerCraftEdu (which I do not own). I had to do some work to unpick the CCEdu stuff from CC before this release, and I don't fancy doing it again.

It also goes against the whole poijnt of open sourcing CC: which was to keep the mod up to date with new versions.


@dan200 would you be allowed to pass the source to an individual to remove the CCEdu stuff on your behalf?