


Using a lua .jar file in your mods folder breaks computercraft.

moo1210 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Using a luaj jar file will completey break computercraft, making computers unable to boot. I would like to be able to use that luaj without breaking computercraft if possible. I am using computercraft 1.7.10 1.7.5 (latest for mc 1.7.10)


Or is it possible computercraft already has a luaj and this luaj is overwriting it and it needs a different version? Because i'm using luaj-jse-3.0.1, maybe it requires a different version that I can put in?


Why are you putting luaj in your mods folder? Does another mod depend on it? Because if so, that's a bad way to add the library.

You should also post game logs for this type of issue, though as a warning I would not expect a fix of this turns out to be a ComputerCraft issue as 1.7.10 is so old.


From memory, this is an optional dependency of Custom NPCs. I think you can get away without it, just won't have Lua support.

However, as KnightMiner says 1.7.10 is terribly old at this point, and so is no longer maintained.


I wanted lua support, but whatever I'll just use python with custom npcs.