The `Config` button isent working for my mod
zaze06 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
So I have updated my mod to 1.17.1 and have implemented your Configuration library but the `config file is not enabled
I may have implemented stuff wrong but it's the same as 1.16. Hears the file
package me.alien.speedomiter;
import dev.toma.configuration.api.IConfigPlugin;
import dev.toma.configuration.api.IConfigWriter;
import dev.toma.configuration.api.type.BooleanType;
import dev.toma.configuration.api.type.ColorType;
import dev.toma.configuration.api.type.IntType;
import dev.toma.configuration.api.type.StringType;
public class Config implements IConfigPlugin {
public static ColorType speedColor;
public static IntType speedType;
public static BooleanType useKnotInBoat;
public static StringType xPos;
public static StringType yPos;
public void buildConfig(IConfigWriter writer) {
writer.writeString("Thx to user aqswde40 on curseforge for suggesting the idea of having this config", "");
speedColor = writer.writeColorRGB("Color of your speed", "#10929e", "This is the color of the text that shows you your speed");
speedType = writer.writeBoundedInt("Speed displacement type", 1, 1, 4, "1: Meter/s", "2: Blocks/s", "3: km/h", "4: mph");
useKnotInBoat = writer.writeBoolean("Use knot when your in a boat", true, "If this is true when you ar in a boat the speed is displayed in knot");
xPos = writer.writeString("X position of the speedometer", "W-70", "W = the width of the screen", "w = half the width of the screen");
yPos = writer.writeString("Y position of the speedometer", "H-15", "H = the height of the screen", "h = half the height of the screen");
public String getConfigFileName() {
return "SpeedometerConfig";
public String getModID() {
return Main.MODID;
I looked at your Speedometer github repository and it appears that you're missing dependency in your mods.toml file. You can take a look here if you want an example implementation
the github isent updated so the code is for 1.16 and its older then version 3.0 whits is the version I added the config