


[1.18.2-DEV] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Config class must be annotated with '@Config' annotation

CobaltTheProtogen opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Hello, so I am trying to use Configuration to make configs for my mod and I've ran into a problem. This is my config class:

package us.blueeyemods.uem.config;

import dev.toma.configuration.config.Config;
import dev.toma.configuration.config.Configurable;
import us.blueeyemods.uem.Main;

@Config(id = "blueeyemods/" + Main.MODID + "/common")
public class ModConfig {
        public static Enchantment.Rarity ENCHANTMENT_RARITY = Enchantment.Rarity.RARE;
        public static EnchantmentCategory ENCHANTMENT_CATEGORY = EnchantmentCategory.BREAKABLE;
        public static EquipmentSlot[] EQUIPMENT_SLOTS = new EquipmentSlot[]{EquipmentSlot.HEAD, EquipmentSlot.CHEST, EquipmentSlot.LEGS, EquipmentSlot.FEET, EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND, EquipmentSlot.OFFHAND};
        public static int MAXIMUM_ENCHANTMENT_LEVEL = 1;
        public static boolean TREASURE_ONLY = true;
        public static boolean DISCOVERABLE = true;
        public static boolean TRADEABLE = true;
        public static boolean IS_ALLOWED_ON_BOOKS = true;
        public static boolean IS_CURSE = false;

This config throws the error mentioned in the title of this post. How do I fix it? Or is this a bug with the current version of the mod for 1.18.2? I'm using version 2.1.0 btw. Any help would be appreciated.

Oh, I see it. You have imported wrong ModConfig class in your main class. You used file from ForgeModLoader instead of your config class


Ah, thank you. One more question, how do I use the config where I need to use it? My mixins apparently require static fields which I can't use and uh...EquipmentSlots array doesn't show up in my config for some reason.


You need to access your config via the static field in your Main class. For example

int value = Main.config.value;

Hi, I'm going to need some extra information in order to figure this out. How are you registering the config? I have been able to create config on the 1.18.2 version without any issues.

I have also noticed issue with your config example - our config is instance based, meaning that you cannot use static variables, but all needs to be done on instance level, for example instead of using

public static int NUMBER = 1;

you would use

public int NUMBER = 1;

otherwise the values won't be actually registered. All you need to do is store the config variable somewhere during registration and then just access it as needed.

If you're looking for some examples:
Registration + instance obtaining
Config file for example


Hi, thank you for responding so quickly. So, here's the thing, I have it registered like this under my Main Class:

    public Main() {
        IEventBus eventBus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus();
        config = Configuration.registerConfig(ModConfig.class, ConfigFormats.json()).getConfigInstance();

That seems to be correct. Do you have GitHub repository for this project? I would try to debug the issue directly.


The equipment slots don't show up in my config though.


Enum arrays are not currently supported data type. I will consider adding it, however no promises. You can find list of supported data types HERE


Enum arrays are supported data type in version 2.2.0 which has just been released (Forge only for now). You can use that