Construct's Armory

Construct's Armory


(Suggestion) Armor Materials and modifiers (Vanilla)

Thunder-Nova opened this issue · 7 comments



Since you don't like using mods as there are so many it is understandable. So I got some little ideas to make armor which can differ from materials that Tinker uses but can make sense for armor.

Plus it's not an obligation, but my 1st few ideas popped up like: OMG Why haven't though of that earlier.

Also I might repeat ideas between Material and Modifier, but I prefer one is used above the other and not both. Mainly as exemple of Tinker's Obsidian Effect and reinforcement are now seperate compared to the old mechanic. But you can add your touch.


  • Leaf : Very low durability and defense, has an Overworld Camo effect. (While in the overworld hostile mobs, becomes neutral)

  • Netherbrick : Stone like durability, yet slightly better defense, has Netherfort Aura. (Blazes becomes Neutral or can't see to the player)

  • Red Netherbrick : Same durability and defense as Netherbrick, has Nether Aura (Same as above but for Ghast)

  • Packed Ice : Low durability and defense, adds the Slippery effect. (Makes mob attacks less likely to hit, if on boots player will slide, but will greatly reduce player speed on soul sand)

  • Purpur block: End stone durabiltiy, yet slightly lower defense, adds the Grounded effect. (Renders player immune to Levitation effect)


  • Dragon Egg: (Since we can revive the dragon, I though something might be of use) A-Void modifier (Falling to the void will teleport player to the overworld spawn or bed)

  • Leaf + Vines + Grass (not block) : Overworld Camo effect

  • Packed Ice + Sand: Cool-Off effect (At the cost of Durability, protects the player from fire and lava damage)

  • Totem of Undying: (no modifier) Undying effect (Single use effect same as the item itself that disappears, can be stack up to 3 times, only on chest piece)

  • Lead: Lead effect (shift right click a passive mob to lead them, at the cost of durability, will not drop lead if broken, legging only modifier)

  • Banner: (Accessory) Gives a cape (hopefully with the design used)... mostly it's cosmetic. But could be used for ideas later on, maybe as replacement for some existing recipe(s).


I'll keep this open for now because there are some good ideas here, but I'll make a note that modifiers need to either be:

  1. Stackable with other armor pieces with the same modifier
  2. Effective per armor piece
  3. Limited to a single armor piece

For example, the Dragon Egg modifier would be interesting but would either need to be limited to a single armor piece or have its mechanics changed so that it has a random chance to do so, with that chance increasing with each armor piece that has the modifier.

In addition, I'd like to note that I will not be adding any new materials unless Tinker's does. The sole exception being leather if I can ever figure out that whole dyeing feature thing. Some of those traits you suggested may make for interesting modifiers though.


Well I did say "you can add your touch"

Tinker does use leaves for fletching. But when I saw you mention about Camouflage on another post it immediately pop in mind. What I can imagine is the Effectiveness of Camouflage. Per piece will reduce the range where mobs notice the player, a full set makes them neutral. This is a reason why I placed it in both modifier and materials, that comment.

I imagine the dragon egg will most likely be on the body if it were to be specific. A dragon like design on the body would look cool.

Cool-Off is for all armor piece, idk if possible that the damage to the armor is 20 or 16 per fire/lava damage, yet divided by armor and substracted by level. 1 level = 1 modifier. Max level 3. Exemples:
1- all set have full level = ((20÷4)-3) = 2 damage to durability per armor.
2- If the helm has 2 levels, and the body has 3 = Helm ((20÷2)-2) = 8 durability and Body ((20÷2)-3) = 7 durability.

For the above can be calculated in any way, but must take note of Reinforcement. Might make Cool-Off not compatible with reinforcement and make the 4 levels modifier and 16 damage. Making the only way for a fire immunity full set armor that won't break from fire damage.

As for what I imagined for Materials, you can use the abilities I mentioned as modifiers. But if you can use them as materials, the effectiveness can be divided. A full set can get immunity (effect) or neutral (mob) level, as per piece will divide the effect or range (man, blazes do see us from way far).

If used as modifiers

  • the Netherbricks feels better as a helm modifiers and does stack. Can be used with blaze rods or, for the red, ghast tears.
  • the Packed Ice with slimeball is a full set, effectiveness boosted with the armor but Never fully nullify a chance of attack (minimum 25% chance of attack for mobs) as for the boots it has the bonus effect mentioned first, discouraging it's use for the nether.
  • Purpur and Chorus flower (boots) ... Basically using the mentioned calculation as the Netherbrick.


Might readjust the Slippery effect, discouraging the Helm to be used in the End. Where all enderman will agro on the player. As the ice act as reflected lens.


the dragon egg thing wouldn't really work because only the first dragon drops the dragon egg. the respawned ones do not give an egg . but I like those ideas ! they're really cool


Hmm... Unless we made something like give the dragon a drop for this (Such as dragon egg shards that can be crafted with an eye of ender for a cracked dragon egg, which must be put in a smeltery bin with 4 ingot worth of manyullyn pour on it to make a dragon egg). But I doubt its gonna be used as I recall that @TheIllusiveC4 said it has to follow tinker as a base. But getting my hopes up a bit.

The biggest reason I went for the egg and effect was based on its ability to teleport by touch. So I imagined that a anti void teleport effect based that the End has a lot of void.


Most modpacks does give a way for getting more dragon eggs anyway. So even so I am still thinking that it's a good thing. So either way, I am still inclined for the use of dragon egg.


The other thing I have in mind is to just add a true or (default) false config to make the revived dragon drop their egg when killed.



But I doubt its gonna be used as I recall that @TheIllusiveC4 said it has to follow tinker as a base.

Well, the concept of adding extra drops to be used as modifier material does have precedence (i.e. Necrotic Bone from Wither Skeletons). It's not out of the question to add maybe some kind of extra drop to the dragon. Of course I'm not promising one way or the other here, but just letting you know that I haven't ruled that out.


Ok, thought I did say: "But getting my hopes up a bit." Mostly based on that, but didn't fully know up to where you'll go.

Anyhow even if you do add the option, I would suggest it to be able to be disable in the configs. Mainly for the reason as I mentioned in my previous comment.


Personally, I've been kind of wondering why Leather isn't a usable material for armor parts. Make it on the part table, voila. I mean, studded leather would be like, a leather core with iron plates, give it some fur trim somehow, like, with wool. There ya go, another material suggestion. Wool. :)