Construct's Armory

Construct's Armory


[1.12.2] Intended to reach 100% Damage Reduction from Magic Damage Sources with Shielding Trait & enough Resistance Modifiers?

SonicX8000 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Unsure if this is intended but apparently with Shielding trait on all 4 armor pieces & about 30 Resistance Modifiers applied on the armor, you can reach 100% damage reduction vs Magic Damage Sources. Here's what I've done via testing.

Scaling Health's Debug Info was used to get my exact health value. Damage was not scaled at all.

Armor used was Full Lead with the Shielding Trait. Shielding only applies once per Armor Piece meaning you just need 1 Lead Part and since magic damage ignores armor... Armor Points aren't listed here.

For this test I used '/summon minecraft:evocation_fangs' which summons the Envoker Fangs under you which bites you for 6 magic damage on Hard Mode if not wearing armor.

Damage Taken | My remaining health & Max - What I was wearing.

6.0 | 14.0 / 20.0 - Nothing
3.6 | 16.4 / 20.0 - Full Lead Armor with Shielding x4
2.64 | 17.36 / 20.0 - Full Lead Armor with Shielding x4 + Resist VIII x1 (8)
1.7 | 18.32 / 20.0 - Full Lead Armor with Shielding x4 + Resist VIII x2 (16)
0.72 | 19.28 / 20.0 - Full Lead Armor with Shielding x4 + Resist VIII x3 (24)
0.6 | 19.4 / 20.0 - Full Lead Armor with Shielding x4 + Resist VIII x3 + Resist I x1 (25)
0.48 | 19.52 / 20.0 - Full Lead Armor with Shielding x4 + Resist VIII x3 + Resist II x1 (26)
0.24 | 19.76 / 20.0 - Full Lead Armor with Shielding x4 + Resist VIII x3 + Resist IV x1 (28)
0.12 | 19.88 / 20.0 - Full Lead Armor with Shielding x4 + Resist VIII x3 + Resist V x1 (29)
0.0 | 20.0 / 20.0 - Full Lead Armor with Shielding x4 + Resist VIII x3 + Resist VI x1 (30)

Using Full Manyullyn with different Shielding but with Max Resist.

2.16 | 17.84 / 20.0 - Full Manyullyn Armor + Resist VIII x4 (Total Resist: 32)
1.56 | 18.44 / 20.0 - Full Manyullyn Armor with Shielding Trim x1 + Resist VIII x4 (32)
0.960001 | 19.039999 / 20.0 - Full Manyullyn Armor with Shielding Trim x2 + Resist VIII x4 (32)
0.36 | 19.64 / 20.0 - Full Manyullyn Armor with Shielding Trim x3 + Resist VIII x4 (32)
0.0 | 20.0 / 20.0 - Full Manyullyn Armor with Shielding Trim x4 + Resist VIII x4 (32)

Unrelated but just for the heck of it since Scaling Health is added... let's scale up magic damage by 10000.0 with a weight of 0.1 and set my Scaling Health Difficulty to 1. This is how much damage I'll be taking by the fangs now...

"[Scaling Health]: magic on Zonic_Tonic: 6.0 -> 6006.0 (scale=10000.0, affected=0.1, change=6000.0)"

6006 total damage, and with 4x Shielding + 30 Resist Modifiers, that damage is still 0, however if I had 29 Resist Modifiers instead of 30, it deals 120.1196 damage after setting my health to 150.

I'm just wondering if it's intended to take 0 damage if you have a high enough Shielding & Resist modifiers.


I'm just wondering if it's intended to take 0 damage if you have a high enough Shielding & Resist modifiers.

No. The intended cap is 80% damage reduction from magic.