Material system does not have full internationalization support
3TUSK opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Items created by using the Material System display a name in mixed language, one of them being English, which is the material name, and the other being the part name, which respects locale setting of Minecraft.
Some of modpack developers may use this system to add customized contents to their modpack. The most obvious example would be "SevTech: Ages". With existence of this issue, it is impossible to provide full localization support for the modpack, causing trouble for non-English-speaking players. In fact, this issue is discovered when @TartaricAcid attempted to translate contents in "SevTech: Ages".
Dev environment; HEAD is 172fccb; with mapping being changed to snapshot_20180504
The script used here is provided below.
#loader contenttweaker
import mods.contenttweaker.MaterialSystem;
import mods.contenttweaker.Material;
var copper = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Copper").setColor(15766817).build();
var tin = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Tin").setColor(10275286).build();
var silver = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Silver").setColor(15592941).build();
var lead = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Lead").setColor(5658219).build();
var cobalt = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Cobalt").setColor(18347).build();
var metal_list = [copper, tin, silver, lead, cobalt] as Material[];
var part_names = ["dust", "gear", "plate", "nugget", "ingot", "beam", "bolt"] as string[];
for i, metal in metal_list {
The localized name is provided by MaterialPart::getLocalizedName
from B.A.S.E.:
public String getLocalizedName() {
//noinspection deprecation
return I18n.translateToLocalFormatted(part.getUnlocalizedName(), material.getName());
Notice that the parameter is simply Material::getName
, which discards the existence of Material::getUnlocalizedName
. Within ContentTweaker, the property name
is set by CTMaterialBuilder::setName
, which is called in the script. Thus, it is impossible to display a fully localized name.
Proposed fix
As the property name
in Material
is also used as internal name for registration purpose, changing return value of Material::getName
is definitely not feasible.
The most obvious solution is to change MaterialPart::getLocalizedName
to something equivalent to this, which would fall under B.A.S.E., instead of ContentTweaker:
public String getLocalizedName() {
//noinspection deprecation
String materialDisplayName = I18n.translateToLocalFormatted(material.getUnlocalizedName());
return I18n.translateToLocalFormatted(part.getUnlocalizedName(), materialDisplayName);
Alternatively, it is possible to utilize MaterialPart::getUnlocalizedName
The underlying issue with the proposed fix is the potential translation key conflict with other mods, as return value of Material::getUnlocalizedName
is initialized as following in constructor of Material
this.unlocalizedName = TextUtils.toSnakeCase(name);
That said, if there is such Material
var copper = MaterialSystem.getMaterialBuilder().setName("Copper").setColor(15766817).build();
Then its unlocalizedName
would simply be copper
, which, though most unlikely, may duplicate entries from other mod(s).
To address that, it is possible to change Material::getUnlocalizedName
to something equivalent to the following:
public String getUnlocalizedName() {
return "base.material." + unlocalizedName;
which also falls under B.A.S.E., given the fact that CTMaterial
is simply a thin wrapper of Material
Final thoughts
If possible, I can make a pull request to address this issue.
Honestly the biggest issue here, isn't necessarily the difficulty of switching to such a system. It's more the fact that I have to figure out how best to support the current way of letting it happen. Switching entirely over to unlocalized names would break any packs that don't have the localization.
Maybe change to the following:
public String getLocalizedName() {
//noinspection deprecation
if (I18n.canTranslate(material.getUnlocalizedName()) { // func_94522_b <=> canTranslate
return I18n.translateToLocalFormatted(part.getUnlocalizedName(), I18n.translateToLocalFormatted(material.getUnlocalizedName()));
return I18n.translateToLocalFormatted(part.getUnlocalizedName(), material.getName());