Glass Plane Culling Fix & Default Connected Textures Error
chronality opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Description: Tessellating block in world - Indium Renderer
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void net.fabricmc.fabric.impl.renderer.VanillaModelEncoder.emitBlockQuads(net.minecraft.class_1087, net.minecraft.class_2680, java.util.function.Supplier, net.fabricmc.fabric.api.renderer.v1.render.RenderContext, net.fabricmc.fabric.api.renderer.v1.mesh.QuadEmitter)'
at net.minecraft.class_1087.emitBlockQuads(class_1087.java:1039)
at net.fabricmc.fabric.api.renderer.v1.model.ForwardingBakedModel.emitBlockQuads(ForwardingBakedModel.java:51)
at me.pepperbell.continuity.client.model.CtmBakedModel.emitBlockQuads(CtmBakedModel.java:53)
at link.infra.indium.renderer.render.TerrainRenderContext.tessellateBlock(TerrainRenderContext.java:131)
at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.redirect$zpc000$indium$onRenderBlock(ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.java:543)
at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.execute(ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.java:103)
at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.execute(ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.java:39)
at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.executor.ChunkJobTyped.execute(ChunkJobTyped.java:44)
at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.executor.ChunkBuilder$WorkerRunnable.run(ChunkBuilder.java:186)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1583)
I've heard the downgrading the Fabric API helps with the this issue, however I have a world that must be 1.21 using the new version of Fabric API for 1.21. When trying to use Glass Plane Culling Fix & Default Connected Textures Error my game crashes. When will we be expecting a fix for the users who are running the newer version of Fabric API? Also wondering if there is any other texture packs that give off the same effect.
I'm having the exact same issue and error code. As soon as I turn off connected textures the game works fine but, as you know, half of the blocks stop working correctly.
I solved the issue! Removing the indium mod should stop this crashing. At least thats what worked for me.
I'm having the exact same issue and error code. As soon as I turn off connected textures the game works fine but, as you know, half of the blocks stop working correctly.
Downgrade Fabric API to 0.100.8; comp500/Indium#324
I'm having the exact same issue and error code. As soon as I turn off connected textures the game works fine but, as you know, half of the blocks stop working correctly.
Nevermind... I does stop the crashing however the glass will not connect or any of the other blocks with indium supposedly.