


Turn off Connected Textures for specific packs

proxyorg opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Is it possible to turn off continuity or not use continuity's connected textures without having to turn off connected textures completely?
I have a pack that changes ancient debris and netherite block but since continuity adds connected textures to those blocks, It replaces the texture pack. I would turn off connected textures completely but i have another pack that has connected textures and I cant play minecraft without. Is it possible?


You'll have to edit the resource pack itself and remove the connected textures for the blocks you don't like
Continuity only connects glass, sandstone and bookshelves by default, and if you're using a custom resource pack that connects other blocks, Continuity only allows/enables this


Continuity's default pack does not add connected textures to ancient debris or netherite blocks, so I do not understand what you want to do. If you want to disable connected textures from a third-party resource pack for specific blocks or textures, then you will have to edit that pack.