Control Engineering

Control Engineering


[Suggestion] Add computercraft compatibility

Lilygabe opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Since this mod has a system with colored redstone and buses, perhaps it would be nice if there was compatibility with CC: Tweaked to use the information created by the system in a more complex way. It would also be nice to make a punch card computer (which, to be fair, could be a feature instead).


You can already make a punchtape computer by using the punchtape reader thingie, a bunch of logic and the punchtape puncher


You can already make a punchtape computer by using the punchtape reader thingie, a bunch of logic and the punchtape puncher

Hm, I remember trying and it hadn't worked, I'll check it out as soon as I can


Apparently the issue I've been having is that the perforator likes to send 0 even when you did write something. The sequencer indeed does not do so. try doing this setup, you'll see what I mean: