Controllable (Forge)

Controllable (Forge)


Disable Dpad Inventory Movement Sound Effect And Add Left Stick Radial Movement And Add Alternate Activate Radial Selection

dude98 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


The clicking noise that plays when you move the cursor with the dpad can get very irritating if you only use the dpad to move your inventory around. having a way to disable it would be very much appreciated.


Will add an option in the next update


Bringing this back into thought since you might've forgot about it, that radial menu's still a great addition though, but i'd appreciate it if there was an option to allow left stick to navigate radial, and add a "activate radial option" separately too, since it stays highlighted when you move the stick back, and having my X button which is "Switch Off Hand" turn into that button when radial is up would be beneficial since my steam controller's mouse like joystick mode isn't the greatest for a radial menu.
Still, this mod is going great, let me know if i should split this into separate issues or if this is fine, keep doing your amazing work.


Please create a new issue instead of renaming title


Also added an option to disable sound in 0.13.0