Controllable (Forge)

Controllable (Forge)


Request for feature

Gavin456b opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Request to make open & close inventory separate bindings


The impulse to just press b to close the inventory is too strong.


The impulse to just press b to close the inventory is too strong.

Execpt b isn't to close inventory. The binding for inventory is set to Y by default so I have to hit Y to open and Y to close. Which mean shift click to fast move items has to be bound to B. Which is super annoying


That's exactly my point. B is the most common "back" button. Not being able to use it in infuriating.


@MrCrayfish please fix this. this is what keeps the mod from reaching a level of perfection


Request to make open & close inventory separate bindings

I have to agree here. I've played on XBOX for the past 5+ years. (Y) opens the inventory, but once opened, (Y) becomes the Quick Move button and (B) closes inventory.

On the XBOX platform, (B) is almost always the "back button", no matter what game/screen you're on. It has trained my brain that way and after playing on PC/Java, with the Controllable mod, for the past 6 months, I still have to fight the urge to use (B) to back out of the inventory.

Issue #173 is a request for this same functionality.


This has been added in recent versions of Controllable