Controllable (Forge)

Controllable (Forge)


Feature Request: Bedrock Bulk Crafting, Create Pondering, and Multifunctioning Key Support

MajorMich opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I really love this mod, with it I am finally able to play modpacks in Java as if they were on Bedrock.

One thing that seems to be missing is the mass crafting from recipe book like in Bedrock, where you would press (usually "Y") and it would craft as much of the item as you could. I know there's an autocraft option, but that only makes one at a time. Is there a way to make it so I can bulk craft?

In create you hover over an Item and press "w" to ponder it, which shows an animation on what to do. I have found no way to replicate this with controllable, is there a way to have a general key or perhaps a multifunctioning key? (like steam has with longpress/double press) or maybe pressing two keys at the same time to make on action? (like "Left-thumb-press + A) to be like a shift click?

The next thing is probably and issue on journeymaps end but I thought I'd mention it just in case. I can not map any keys from journey way to the controller or radial menu. (or at least You can map them but they do nothing).

Lastly, I mapped the screenshot button to my radial menu, but when I use it, it takes a screenshot with the radial menu still open, is there a way to prevent that? (Am I being dumb?)

That all! I really love your mods and I hope my questions aren't annoying! If you read this I hope you're having a wonderful day! Thank you so much for all that you do!


Create Pondering can be added if Create themselves added support for the mod.