


How to compile this mod?

ZedDevStuff opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I'm the creator of KeybindsPurger and after being told that this mod prevents my mod from working, i started looking into the source to figure out a way to allow compatibility. I figured out how and now i need a common jar for my mixins but i can't compile the mod. I honestly don't know where else to look so i'm asking here in hopes i get seen.

I tried a classic ./gradlew build (which worked with everything else i've used it one before) but i get this error

An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: 'org.spongepowered.gradle.vanilla', version: '0.2.1-SNAPSHOT']
> Failed to apply plugin class 'org.spongepowered.gradle.vanilla.internal.ProvideMinecraftPlugin'.
   > Extension of type 'JavaToolchainService' does not exist. Currently registered extension types: [ExtraPropertiesExtension, MinecraftExtension]

Alternative is rewriting each of my mixins for each loader which is of last resort considering that i support 4 versions at the same time


Hey o/

That error is caused by VanillaGradle updating and breaking projects using an older gradle version, I usually fix these errors as they come up when I need to work on my mods, if you tell me the minecraft version(s) you need to compile I can fix those for you.

I do publish my common jars on my maven though, which should have what you need, so you wouldn't need to compile it yourself.


I believe 1.16.5 is in this folder, it has been a while since I have touched it, however in 1.16.5 I only supported Forge, so there wouldn't be common jar


Thank you very much, everything I need is there :D (except 1.16.5 but I think i should be able to compile this one)