Cooking for Blockheads

Cooking for Blockheads


[1.12.2] Fridge doesn't render items inside it.

brisingraerowing opened this issue · 7 comments


As per title. With C4B v6.4.44, items don't render inside the fridges. They do render in the cabinets, and I haven't tested the stove yet.


For me, this problem appears only for fridges where the door handle is on the left side. Pics (Both fridges are filled)


Had this again. Handle was on the left side (as above commenter noted). I’ll get versions when I get back to my computer.


They're rendering fine for me, do you have any mods that affect rendering installed (e.g. Optifine)? Is there some graphically fancy block nearby that may be affecting the fridge rendering by accident? What items are inside the fridge (I tested with apples)?

Also, what Forge version are you on?


No optifine. The only other blocks that were nearby were from an AE2 setup. It didn't matter what was in the fridge. This is probably another bug like the one I'm having with Refined Storage, where I'm the only one it affects.

EDIT: I was on Forge 2739, I've updated to 2745 and will see if that changes anything.


They render in the new version, although I tested in a superflat world. I'll retest in a normal world and see if that changes anything. I was in an ocean biome when they didn't render, though.

And I just thought of something, I had some C&B blocks nearby for lighting. Those may have been it.


Still works even with a C&B block there. I'll go ahead and close this.


Actually have this issue as well on Forge 2760.
C4B is version 6.4.62
All other cabinets render fine, pack is Direwolf20 1.12.2 v2.3.0