Cooking for Blockheads

Cooking for Blockheads


Scrolling down via mouse wheel causes clicks in gui.

grundyboy34 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


[Mod Version - 1.12.2-6.4.71]
As stated, using the mouse wheel to scroll down in the cooking table causes clicks to be made, often crafting and queuing things in the oven unintentionally.
Scrolling up doesn't have this effect.


Weird. You're able to do so in the crafting grid for a recipe to switch between ingredients you want to use for a recipe should it have multiple choices for a required ingredient... never had this happen though.


Yeah it's pretty weird. I have a bit of mods, but I eouldn't think any of them would cause it. Anyway, I'll try to reproduce it without them when I have time.


Try checking your mouse tweak settings. Blay said "Mouse tweaks or something does that".


Many years ago there was a similar issue with Mouse Tweaks that happened on scrolling down: #46

It may have returned, or there is some other mod doing mouse-y things now. Do you have Mouse Tweaks installed and does it still happen if the wheel tweaks are disabled?


I haven't gotten to test yet but I can say I don't have mouse tweaks. The only mod I can think of that tweaks the gui in my pack is Quark. Here's a link to my pack on curseforge, and it has every mod listed on there if that helps anyone.


Closing since 1.12 is no longer supported, if this still happens in 1.15+ please open a new issue.