attachTileEntityCapabilities event not firing
smolinacadena opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Minecraft Version
Mod Loader
Mod Loader Version
Mod Version
Describe the Issue
Mod loader version and mod version are taken from latest in 1.18.x in source code.
I noticed that the attachTileEntityCapabilities event method in CompatCapabilityLoader.java was not firing and this is causing compat json objects set as kitchenConnector and kitchenItemProviders not to load as such in game. I tested this while debugging and none of the breakpoints I set in that method where ever hit in any of the game stages.
I noticed that this class didn't have the @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = CookingForBlockheads.MOD_ID) that it used to have in version 1.16. I added this at the top and know the json compat files are loaded just fine and the attachTileEntityCapabilities event method is caught in debuggin when breakpoints are set.
I'll put a PR for this, please let me know if this is the correct fix for this.
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Do you use any performance-enhancing mods (e.g. OptiFine)?