Copper Equipment (Fabric/Quilt)

Copper Equipment (Fabric/Quilt)


Suggestion: add copper bucket, hopper, minecart

lospejos opened this issue · 1 comments


Suggestion: add copper bucket, hopper, minecart


A hopper unlikely, but the rest is a great idea!


I will add some more detail to this for Redy1aye, unfortunately Copper Bucket & Hopper won’t make be able to make it due to 1.18.2’s changes to the coding but the Minecart could, here’s some changes for the Copper Minecart.

-Copper Minecart-

If Redy1eye ever releases the Oxidation Update, well idk if it’s true but this copper Minecart will be slightly faster then a normal Minecart since it’s not made out of iron and less heavy but watch out for the Oxidated Minecraft, it will probably not move until it’s waxed, and below will have some info of what i think the speed could be.

Normal Copper Minecart Speed: 0.3%+ Faster
Waxed Copper Minecart Speed: 0.2%+ Faster & 0.1%- Slower since it’s less likely to be because of the Oxidation
Mid-Oxidated Copper Minecart Speed: 0.2%- Slower
Oxidated Copper Minecart Speed: Disabled Speed/Movements

-Copper Rails-

Copper Rails as usual pretty good for the addition of Copper Minecarts but there may be weaknesses come to these rails, these rails aren’t recommended for Iron Minecarts, here’s the cause

Iron Minecarts On Copper Rails Weakness Speed: 0.5%- Slower
Copper Minecarts on Iron Rails: 0.1%+ Faster (enjoy a slight speed difference on iron rails, copper is lighter then iron pretty much and copper rails don’t effect copper Minecarts except for the speed it comes with)

This is because the iron on the minecart can’t hold the copper rails and it doesn’t matter if it’s Normal and Waxed or even Oxidated and will make a strange sound when using it on rails and then it will cause the whole minecart to wiggle when using, it may keep wiggling until it forces you out of the minecart which is probably best to use Copper Minecarts on it

Activated Rails - well idk about this.

I hope I gave you a pretty decent example, this will slightly improve speeds when you ever made a copper minecart system, enjoy!