Copper Pot! (A Farmer's Delight Add-on)

Copper Pot! (A Farmer's Delight Add-on)


Setting fizzy yogurt to slabfish_snack tag in environmental and then feeding a slabfish a fizzy yogurt to a slabfish crashes the game

thelegitdolt opened this issue ยท 3 comments


This is so ridiculously minor and would likely take a bloody long time to fix but it would be insane if you did lol, anyways just letting ya know in case this is your end. I'll e posting this in environmental's github too - crash report - latest.log


You shouldn't sell yourself short, i wouldn't have been able to do this kind of stuff if you didn't make such a good mod with so much cool stuff lmao


Your steadfast commitment to exploring everything this mod has to offer is genuinely inspiring, and I wish I had the mental capacity to fix these bugs and tinker around with your suggestions. Thanks for the report, I'll fix it as soon as I am able.


team-abnormals/environmental#254 posted this on environmental and bagel said it was an issue on your end, just wanted to let you know lol