


non-OP users on server can't access their corpse

WebFreak001 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Bug description
When a non-OP user on a server (All The Mods 6 Server) dies, they cannot interact with their corpse, there is no error in the console and .

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Die as non-OP
  2. Try to access your corpse

Expected behavior
The player should either be able to access their corpse, there should be some kind of (documented) setting to enable/disable access for regular players or an error message should be logged if an exception occurs.

Log files
This is the only thing that is logged right after a user dies:

[17:41:07] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/ERROR] [minecraft/ArgumentTypes]: Could not serialize net.minecraftforge.server.command.ModIdArgument@6ca9280f (class net.minecraftforge.server.command.ModIdArgument) - will not be sent to client!
[17:41:07] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/ERROR] [minecraft/ArgumentTypes]: Could not serialize net.minecraftforge.server.command.EnumArgument@5f9b45cc (class net.minecraftforge.server.command.EnumArgument) - will not be sent to client!

otherwise there are no logs (and I don't think this error is related)


  • Minecraft version: 1.16.3
  • Forge version: 34.1.24
  • Mod version: 1.1.2

Other mods
This is using the mod pack All The Mods 6 (v1.1.6b)

Minimal reproduction will follow eventually, but maybe you already know what might cause this.

Currently the configuration was corpse.access set to only_owner = false and skeleton = false


Unfortunately I am not able to reproduce this issue without any other mods.

Minimal reproduction will follow eventually, but maybe you already know what might cause this.

It seems that you have to try that. Would be great if you can figure out what mod causes this behavior.


I have the same issues on All the Mods modpack @henkelmax


Also having this issue, for both op and non-op


Found a fix. Mod versions were differing with the server and client. Switched to make them match up and I was able to obtain my loot from dead bodies.

This may be the issue. Please make sure that the mod version on the server and the client is the same.


Using Corpse 1.0.8 in Minecraft 1.12, with Forge 2854, and no other mods installed, corpses are inaccessible both in singleplayer and in deopped multiplayer. Corpses are accessible when op; that issue was a mod conflict that I have yet to identify.


Mod version isn't the issue. I'll have to bisect my mod list to find the culprit later, it always takes a long time. I'll let you know.


using All The Mods 6 v1.1.6b on both server and client, which contains the mod version 1.1.2 on both client and server, so it's not an issue with mismatching version here.


Using Corpse 1.0.8 in Minecraft 1.12, with Forge 2854, and no other mods installed, corpses are inaccessible both in singleplayer and in deopped multiplayer. Corpses are accessible when op; that issue was a mod conflict that I have yet to identify.

Unfortunately, version 1.12.2 is no longer supported.


using All The Mods 6 v1.1.6b on both server and client, which contains the mod version 1.1.2 on both client and server, so it's not an issue with mismatching version here.

Does it happen if you update to the latest version on your client and the server?

Can you send me the logs of your client and the server?


I'm closing this due to inactivity.