


Items are still scattered on server

duanxrui opened this issue · 1 comments


Bug description
Corpse spawns in deathpoint,but Items are still scattered.
This mod is normal when playing singleplayer. But when playing on the server, there are corpses, but the objects are still scattered on the ground, and there are no items in the corpses.I tried to reinstall both the server and client mods, but to no avail.

Minecraft version: 1.16.5
Forge version: 36.2.9
Mod version: corpse-1.16.5-1.0.6.jar


Server config file
#The time (in real life days) deaths get stored
#-1 for infinite storage
#0 for not storing deaths at all
#Range: > -1
death_storage_duration = -1

#If the corpse should get removed when in lava
lava_damage = false
#If the corpse should wear the players equipment
show_equipment = true
#The time passed (in ticks) after a corpse turns into a skeleton
#Range: > 0
skeleton_time = 72000
#If the corpse should lie on its face
lie_on_face = false
#If the corpse should fall into the void
fall_into_void = false

	#If only the owner of the corpse can access the inventory
	only_owner = false
	#If everybody can access the corpse in the skeleton stage (Only if only_owner_access is set to true)
	skeleton = false

	#The time passed (in ticks) after a corpse despawns even if its not empty (-1 = never)
	#Range: > -1
	force_time = -1
	#The time passed (in ticks) after a corpse despawns (only if empty)
	#Range: > 20
	time = 600

Maybe you can start from line 20920, that is, I used the fly command to test falling from the air.


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