Chocolate Quest Repoured

Chocolate Quest Repoured


Trying to use some thermal foundation's liquids will crash the game

TCreopargh opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Common sense Info

  • I play...
    • With a large modpack
    • Only with CQR and it's dependencies
  • The issue occurs in...
    • Singleplayer
    • Multiplayer
  • I have searched for this or a similar issue before reporting and it was either (1) not previously reported, or (2) previously fixed and I'm having the same problem.
  • I am using the latest version of the mod (all versions can be found on github under releases)
  • I read through the FAQ and i could not find something helpful (FAQ)
  • I reproduced the bug without any other mod's except forge, cqr and it's dependencies
  • The game crashes because of this bug

Chocolate Quest Repoured ('latest' IS NOT a valid version! Please use the version string that shows up in the mod overview of forge): 2.2.2B
Minecraft: 1.12.2

Describe the bug'
This bug still exists in v2.2.2 although the update note says it was fixed. New bug report below.
Since the original issue has been locked I have to make a new issue.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install cqr and thermal series
  2. Use the creosote oil bucket
  3. Boom, crash!

Expected behavior
Doesn't crash


Please note: log files and crash reports should be uploaded as a FILE and not as a copy paste of the text of it here. Upload the file to a site like pastebin or similar and link it here!!

  • Link to Crash report file:
  • Link to Log file:
  • Other mods (that are necessary to produce the bug): Thermal foundation
  • Other mods (that are also installed): Thermal series and cofh core
  • CQR config folder (link, only if you changed the configs):
  • Other mod's configs (link):

We won't work on this until you reproduced this with ONLY thermal and CQ-Repoured (there are more than those mods and their dependencies visible in the crashlog).


And we also need the exact thermal liquids which crash it.


We forgot to apply our patch in another spot where it is relevant. Will publish a fix right away.

For the next bug report: If you claim to have reproduced it with only cqr, dependencies and the conflicting mod, then please provide the crash report of that setup and not the one of the whole modpack, that makes you more credible.


new patch is published.

Patch was also tested with thermal this time


We forgot to apply our patch in another spot where it is relevant. Will publish a fix right away.

For the next bug report: If you claim to have reproduced it with only cqr, dependencies and the conflicting mod, then please provide the crash report of that setup and not the one of the whole modpack, that makes you more credible.

Yes I did this in the former issue and wrote that in the issue but the crash report for that is not so detailed (because I don't have mods like vanillafix which adds more details to the crash report) so I just posted the crash report of the large modpack instead


We forgot to apply our patch in another spot where it is relevant. Will publish a fix right away.
For the next bug report: If you claim to have reproduced it with only cqr, dependencies and the conflicting mod, then please provide the crash report of that setup and not the one of the whole modpack, that makes you more credible.

Yes I did this in the former issue and wrote that in the issue but the crash report for that is not so detailed (because I don't have mods like vanillafix which adds more details to the crash report) so I just posted the crash report of the large modpack instead

Ok, thank you for clarifying.

Oh and did the update (2.2.3) fix it?


Yes it's fixed, thanks


You're welcome. I'll close this issue now and mark it as resolved