Chocolate Quest Repoured

Chocolate Quest Repoured


Suggestion: Weapon Modifier config

Glassimo-1 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


General Info

  • This is a..
    • Change request
    • Feature request
  • This has already been asked before and the answer was 'No'
  • This has already been implemented by another mod (which is compatible)


Basic description

A config option to apply weapon type modifers(like spear range/thrust) to weapons from other mods/vanilla via config

Why should it be in the mod?

It would be very useful for modpack makers to be able to assign these special bonuses to greatswords, daggers and spears added by other mods. Mainly for balancing reasons, but it would also help the mods items feel a little more integrated. Besides, theres no other mod i can think of that does this.

Detailed description

A config file which lists the weapon types and allows to freely remove and add items to them. This is probably a major hassle to implement but it came to mind.


However, if you want more spears/revolvers/muskets/daggers/greatswords: Feel free to create your own addon mod. You can just extend the base class of every item and then adjust the values you want, but we won't add this feature.


We WON'T add config option for the items of other mods, ask the respective mods, not us.

We already have config options for damage for each item afaik.


What you want here is better of as a own mod. And we won't add it. You could take a look at Additions, that one lets you had blocks, maybe it lets you add items too.


Also this still is a dungeon mod and not a content-adder mod after all.


maybe i'll try my hand on it once i got the rest of my pack set up