Chocolate Quest Repoured

Chocolate Quest Repoured


Entity IDS

edgaradr223 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi everyone, having an issue using neat which someone on your staff stated its going to be solved within next environment patch, as of now i need to keep my server running and my idea is to try and blacklist your entities from rendering using the neat config file that goes this way:

Blacklist uses entity IDs, not their display names.

S:Blacklist <

What would be the entity ID i need to enter in that file in order to try and solve until new release comes?

I also want to say that your mod is the best exploration/questing surface mod out there for 1.12.2 i spiced it up with some quest chests and its absolutely great, thank yoyu for that.


You can find them out yourself by typing "/summon cqrepoured:" and then pressing TAB, it will spit out a list of all cqr entity ids.

The entities you need to blacklist are these:

  • Abyss Walker (cqrepoured:walker)
  • Walker king (cqrepoured:walker_king)
  • Walker King illusion (cqrepoured:illusion_walker_king)
  • Enderman (cqrepoured:enderman)
  • Triton (cqrepoured:triton)
  • Golems (cqrepoured:golem)

Oh and btw: Sarcastic crap like you posted in the other issue helps nobody (and yes, we see the message history), so for the future just don't post such stuff, thanks.