Chocolate Quest Repoured

Chocolate Quest Repoured


Game freeze when try to generate structure in void

SettingDust opened this issue · 13 comments


General Information
To check a checkbox: Insert a X between the square brackets, you need to remove the space though.

  • I play...
    • With a large modpack
    • Only with CQR and it's dependencies
  • The issue occurs in...
    • Singleplayer
    • Multiplayer
  • I have searched for this or a similar issue before reporting and it was either (1) not previously reported, or (2) previously fixed and I'm having the same problem.
  • I am using the latest version of the mod (all versions can be found on github under releases)
  • I read through the FAQ and I could not find something helpful (FAQ)
  • I reproduced the bug without any other mod's except forge, cqr and it's dependencies
  • The game crashes because of this bug

Describe the bug
Game freeze when try to generate structure in void. I want to generate a world with only one dungeon.
Tested with higher Y(/setblock ~ 63 ~ dirt).

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a flat world with void preset
  2. try to use structure placer beside test

Versions (Note that 'latest' is NOT a valid version!
Chocolate Quest Repoured: 1.12.2-2.6.6B
Forge: v14.23.5.2860

Log File
Just stuck after [16:02:07] [Server thread/INFO] (cqrepoured) Generating dungeon RandomizedCastle at BlockPos{x=10, y=4, z=11}


Could you try with a different dungeon type?
The log just says it tried to generate a randomized castle.
Interesting for us would be if that is a problem with just that type or in general.


ok, then it is a general problem. No need to try more.

An important information for us would be if you deleted the dungeon configs before applying the update

It's a new instance


Could you try with a different dungeon type? The log just says it tried to generate a randomized castle. Interesting for us would be if that is a problem with just that type or in general.

Tried. Same result.

[16:14:03] [Server thread/INFO] (cqrepoured) Generated dungeon Test at BlockPos{x=12, y=64, z=10}
[16:14:06] [Server thread/INFO] (cqrepoured) Generating dungeon VegetatedCave at BlockPos{x=12, y=65, z=10}
[16:14:11] [Server thread/INFO] (cqrepoured) Generated dungeon VegetatedCave at BlockPos{x=12, y=65, z=10}
[16:14:11] [Server thread/WARN] (MinecraftServer) Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 4969ms behind, skipping 99 tick(s)
[16:14:19] [Server thread/INFO] (cqrepoured) Generating dungeon StrongholdLinearSnow at BlockPos{x=11, y=63, z=12}

In this test, Stronghold is freeze. Still testing for more dungeon.



Then try disabling the support hill for some dungeon that has it enabled and then restart the game and try generating that dungeon.

I assume the problem is the support hill generation


ok, then it is a general problem. No need to try more.

An important information for us would be if you deleted the dungeon configs before applying the update


Then i‘ll fix it later. Already found the problematic spot


Spend some time for find the option. It's ok now!

buildsupportplatform = false
supportblock = minecraft:stone
supportblocktop = minecraft:snow

Then i‘ll fix it later. Already found the problematic spot

But the part below stronghold are disappear


That is not really exact and i don't know what you mean.


Alright. Thanks a lot.


If that is at y = 0 that is completely normal and supposed. The stronghold needs a certain amount of space underneath the surface to actually generate the rooms.


That is not really exact and i don't know what you mean.

stronghold lower part are disappeared


should be patched in v2.6.7B