Chocolate Quest Repoured

Chocolate Quest Repoured


Lore friendly item descriptions???

TheFunnyFace opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I just thought about making the descriptions for the items less "practical", but more lore friendly.
E.g. Instead of "Wearing the full set grants increased health regeneration and damage dealt to you back is ignored." we could say (/write) something like "Wearing pieces of this armor helps your inner turtle to come out by increasing your health and finally lets you become a real turtle by getting a functioning shell. ..."
So simply instead of giving out numbers we could just describe every feature with some small fancy texts.

Just an idea, need your opinion on it.


Hardened Slime Juice


I've started on this, but will need to work on it more later.


@LordEpos So this means yes? Then I could give it a try as well for everything without it.